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Coordinate systems

The graph space: graph

The graph contains nodes having arbitrary (x, y) positions.


Normalized graph space: framedGraph

First we compute the extent (min & max values) for x and y coordinates in graph space.


Then we normalize this space into a "square" (quotation marks hereafter explained) such that graphspace min becomes 0 and graphspace max 1.

But, to complicate this a bit, it is important to understand that the aspect ratio of the original graph space remains inscribed in our normalized "square".

This means either x or y dimension (the one having the smallest extent) will not be translated to min = 0 and max = 1 but will instead have something like min > 0 and max {' < '} 1.


Viewport space: viewport

When dealing with 2d canvas (when drawing labels, for instance, or reacting to user mouse events), it can be useful to be able to translate to the viewport coordinates symbolized by a width and a height in pixels.

One thing to note is that the y dimension is then flipped, higher values of y meaning lower on the screen.

One other thing to note is that sigma will correct for the aspect ratio of your viewport to make sure (also considering an optional padding) your graph will occupy a maximum of available screen space.


WebGL vertex shader output space: clipspace

In the vertex shader, we translate from frameGraph to clipspace that has dimensions ranging from -1 to 1.

Doing so, we apply a correction to make sure the resulting space is a real square with both dimensions ranging from min (-1) to max (1).


In the fragment shader, the position is then expressed in viewport space.

This means doing computation in rendered pixel in the vertex shader is not easy, and transferring values from the vertex shader to the fragment one is not easy either.